Programs and Mission Trips

International Programs and Mission Trips


2010 – SOS Children’s Village in Barrett Town, Jamaica 

ULC led a mission trip to Montego Bay, Jamaica, with more than 30 participants from the US. The highlight of the visit honored the mothers that care for the children at the SOSCV orphanage. The celebration was followed by a compelling site visit.  (Photo of casting vision and Honoring Mothers from SOS 2010.)  ULC awarded a one-year tuition scholarship to a deserving SOSCV nursing student, enabling her to complete her degree.  In association with the Rose Hall Development Corporation in Jamaica, ULC was a major sponsor for their annual summer sports camp provided for SOSCV children. While in Jamaica, mission participants also attended and contributed to the Palmyra Foundation fundraiser that supplies thousands of books to scores of schools in the Montego Bay area and surrounds.

2011 – Mt. Zion Primary School and community in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

ULC organized and sponsored its second annual mission trips to Jamaica at the Mt. Zion School.  More than 40 individuals from Atlanta and across the states conducted workshops for parents, teachers and children and provided a much appreciated “flea Market” for the community.   (Add some of the newsletter photos).  ULC donated general supplies to the school and all children received a gift bag with three clothing outfits, toys, and miscellaneous items.

In collaboration with Greenforest Community Baptist Church in Decatur, GA, ULC participants conducted a full day of workshops for a consortium of Jamaican churches with more than 150 attendees.

2012 – Mt. Zion Primary School

In conjunction with The Links, Inc., chapters of Reston Virginia and Montgomery County, PA, already working with Mt. Zion in literacy and nutrition, ULC embarked on a year-long plan to present extracurricular activities and experiences to the students. As a result, ULC constructed a basketball court for the school and community; installed a state-of-the art playground; initiated a band program providing more than 30 instruments, rehabilitated a garage for band classes, donated physical education uniforms and committed to provide the ongoing salary for a music teacher.

ULC conceived, organized and conducted a three-week summer camp in July for 65 Mt. Zion children utilizing 35 staff. In partnership with Georgia Perimeter of Decatur, GA, and ULC volunteers, literacy and craft classes were taught during the first two weeks. Arts classes were conducted by professionals in instrumental and vocal music, creative dance, speech and drama, photography and chess. Sports and  playground activities were coordinated by GPC students.  The third week culminated with a football (soccer) camp led by certified sports professionals.

ULC provided healthy lunches, school supplies, camp equipment, stipends for volunteers and a stove and lunchroom equipment and supplies. The Links, Inc., donated cash and provided all sports camp equipment.

In November-December, ULC’s third annual mission trip was made to Jamaica and Mt. Zion School. More than 30 individuals from Atlanta and across the states conducted workshops for parents, teachers and children and provided the much anticipated “flea Market” for the community.  General supplies and equipment were awarded to the school and all children were given gift bags including soccer balls for the boys (donated by 100 Black Men of America, DeKalb County, GA, Chapter) and Black dolls for the girls (donated by Delta Sigma Theta, Inc., Douglasville County, GA, Chapter). Mt. Zion officials presented a program to dedicate the facilities donated by ULC with local and education ministry officials attending. (Add some of the newsletter photos)

2012 – Chatsworth Primary and Infant School in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

ULC began a transition to a new partnership with Chatsworth Primary School in Maroon Town, Jamaica, and its 104 students. In December, ULC and The Champion Newspaper donated six computers, monitors, keyboards and software to the school. All boys received soccer balls donated by the DeKalb Chapter of the 100 Black Men of America and all girls received a Black dolls donated by Delta Sigma Theta, Inc., Douglasville, GA, Chapter.

2013 Mt. Zion Primary School

ULC continues to pay for band instruction for all music students.

2013 Chatsworth Primary School Summer Camp

In July 2013, in collaboration with Georgia Perimeter College, ULC conducted a two-week Summer Camp for nearly 70 students, in grades 1-6. The programming focused on reading, math, computer skills and recreation.  Teacher training was conducted for all teachers.  Also, a parent workshop on how to help your children to succeed academically was conducted. ULC provided books, supplies and computer software to enhance reading and math skills; provided wireless Internet access; procured white boards, a printer, a projector, screen, and basic school supplies and equipment.

Lack of resources and personnel has necessitated that the principal teach two classes for this school year in addition to performing her administrative tasks. Therefore, ULC provided a certified teacher for the 2013-14 school year to assist the principal with her teaching responsibilities. In addition, special emphasis will be placed on skills needed to improve student standardized test scores and to improve teacher effectiveness among all staff.

2013 Chatsworth Primary School Mission

ULC will conduct its 4th Annual Mission trip in December 2013.  More than twenty five persons will participate in the Mission.  Programming will include workshops for the children in etiquette, self-esteem, new concepts in math and recreation.  Math training will also be provided for teachers and a basic computer technology workshop will be provided for parents.  Gift bags containing clothing, supplies and toys will be given to all children.  Our very popular flea market for parents will also take place where more than 1,000 pounds of clothing, shoes, handbags, and school supplies will be given to the community of Maroon Town where Chatsworth School is located.



2016 ULC and Links Incorporated collaboration at Watford Hills Primary School

Unconditional Love for Children, Inc expands its footprint in Jamaica at Watford Hill Primary School in cooperation with members of Links, Incorporated.

Local Programs


Greenforest-McCalep  Christian Academic Center in Decatur, GA

This initiative funds scholarships for high school students supporting those that require the benefits of  small classes, individualized instruction and a strong academic program in order to excel.  To date more than 20 disadvantaged, yet promising high school students have received ULC scholarships. The school has celebrated more than 20 years in existence.

Harvest Lodge Homes

ULC began a relationship with Harvest Lodge in 2012. Financial  assistance was provided to (5) young women who, then, were in custody of the foster care and juvenile justice system. This assistance was provided to inspire them to continue their education and provide opportunities to improve their academic skills through the Harvest Lodge Home and School. Ultimately, ULC’s focus will be to aid promising foster children before and after they emancipate from foster care, providing exposure to educational, social and cultural enrichment opportunities as well as transitional housing and other needed resources for this population.

The Earl Glenn Chess Program

“Barber Shop Chess,” a pilot program in chess was begun in the summer of 2012 in DeKalb County at Nick’s Barber Shop. Weekly chess instruction is being offered by ULC through a chess professional with ULC volunteers. The barbers and local residents serve as mentors. ULC plans to eventually expand this initiative to the greater community, state and world and also include girls. The goal is to develop critical thinking skills in young children so that they will excel in school and ultimately earn and win scholarships to college.

  • Harvest Lodge Home for Girls is the second site for the Earl Glenn Chess Program.  It began in the summer of 2013.
  • Georgia Perimeter College is the third site for the Earl Glenn’s Chess Program.  It began in the summer of 2013.
  • Greenforest McCalep  Christian Academic Center After School Program  is targeted for the third  Earl Glenn Chess site, to begin in 2014.

 CheckMate Chess Academy – Learn more…

The Carolyn Glenn Self Esteem Program

Unconditional Love for Children presented self-esteem workshops to girls and boys at Mount Zion Primary School in Jamaica.  These highly interactive workshops were well received and we believe that these children were transformed into feeling more self-confident and pleased with their image. Many children, especially, people of color, continue to suffer from lack of strong self-esteem.  A “self esteem” pilot is being developed to equip Black youth with knowledge, skills and resources to combat the challenges associated with being “Black in America.”  As reported by CNN, the identity dilemma documented in the Black Doll Project of the 50’s is still prevalent in America and detrimental to positive “self awareness” and ultimately a happy, healthy and successful life.

Future Programs

The Glenn’s have plans to assist and/or create programs in their respective hometowns of Goldsboro, NC and Monroe, GA.